Foam rolling, Flexibility and Fascia: Myths and Misconceptions

This is a pdf copy of my presentation at the Perspectives in Exercise, Health, and Fitness Conference 2018 (Kananaskis, AB).
The myths and misconceptions around foam rolling as a tool to "treat" or manage chronic dysfunction and symptoms are discussed.
The presentation summarizes current relevant literature related to fascia anatomy/physiology and function related to self-myofascial e.g., foam-rolling, treatment techniques.
Typical questions and answers based on research:
Main messages - What can self-myofascial release (foam rolling) do?
•Short-term Increase ROM, flexibility – does not last (Kalichman & Ben David, 2017; Cheatham, Kolber, Cain, & Lee, 2015; Beardsley & Škarabot, 2015)
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